could my birth control be messing with my vision?i'm taking lutera. i'm currently on my placebo week.
just recently as in a few days ago, i've noticed i can't wear my contacts for the life of me. my vision is normal without them. i can see clearer without my contacts, than i can with them which is strange. it seems like there is a cloud of smudge when i wear my contacts. they always seem smudged when i take them out. i'm always cleaning them and putting them back in, but even when i take them out with clean hands, they are smudged again. there is nothing in my eyes or anything like that. i've flushed them out.

what could the problem be?
i know that in my b.c. pamphlet it says "if you wear contact lenses and notice a change in vision or an inability to wear your lenses contact a doctor or your health-care provider."

could this be the problem? i don't want to call and make a fool of myself if the b.c. isn't causing this. thank you!
well um irregards to several mean responses, this has JUST happened. i'm on my fourth week of taking the pill. idk why it would have happened earlier, that's all i'm asking.

Posted by cadeigh^lur
who care

Posted by 004
Ask a doctor.

Posted by Michael H

Posted by bmxbikes73
i dont really no the answer to this one but if you are really conserned go and talk to your GP they will always be able to reasure you.

Posted by Elana
The product says call your doctor? I have an idea - CALL YOUR DOCTOR.

Anything that tampers with hormones potentially can effect vision - if for no other reason than it can effect blood pressure.

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Orignal From: Vision Care: could my birth control be messing with my vision?