Where can I buy Clear Care contact lens solution?I have incredibly sensitive eyes due to allergies, and my eye doctor recommended Clear Care by Ciba Vision. He gave me a sample and I absolutely loved it, but now I can't find it anywhere! Does anyone know where I could buy it in-store? I found it online, but I'd really rather buy it at a drugstore or something instead.

Posted by princeidoc
most big pharmacies have it. walgreens, cvs, etc

Posted by Livin_Loca
CVS, Rite Aid, Walgreens, Wal-Mart, Target, Local pharmacy, at some grocery stores, etc.

Posted by Bradley
You can find this solution at a Walgreens, or you can buy it online at facevaluesonline. If you can't find it at your local drug store, try swarming for it at eswarm.com

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