Eye: Eye Floaters caused by stress??

Posted by Simon | 2:08:00 AM

Eye Floaters caused by stress??Hi i am 26 years old, and have been diagnosed with "panic disorder" for over 2 years. I am a 6'4 236 pounds male with no other health problems. I had a full scan of heart tests done a few years back including a heart mri, a sonogram of the heart and a walking stress test and ekg, all came back normal. A little over a year ago i started getting cobweb looking eye floaters that looked like spiderwebs and thick black strands of hair.

I went to the eye dr and had the puil dilation test and was told there was no retinal tear and that there was gel breaking off from my eye causing them.

They are horrible! I They follow my vision everywhere.

Is there a chance stress caused these in the first place???

Posted by lyndsynicolesaid
No, floaters have nothing to do with stress. Floaters are kind of like dead skin flaking off of your body. I asked my eye doctor once why I had them because I didn't know what they were but he said they are normal and everyone has them, nothing really cause them except your eye.

You have nothing to worry about, just learn to live with it I guess.
But they are quite annoying when its really sunny out.

Posted by carolynagrl01
No. Cahnces are that they will break up and settle to the bottom of your eye. They can be aggravating but, harmless.

Posted by Whitney
I have tons of floaters too. I am only 24 years old and have had them for 5 years! I have clear ones (sounds weird I know), black lines that are squiggly... cobweb looking ones, tons. I think it can be stress related. Mine started when my husband would leave for 2 months at a time (he was in the coast guard and had to go out to sea for awhile) I would be alone and stressed out. I'd try to ignore them as much as possible. I KNOW it is hard!! Trust me, I do! But when you learn that they're nothing but an annoyance, they seem to get better and you learn to just live with them. Everyone has them, just not everyone can see them. Try to relax. If the docs think they're nothing to worry about, try to move past this. I still see mine everyday, but tell myself that I'm fine. All 10 doctors have told me so =) If you get new ones though, see another doctor just in case.

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Orignal From: Eye: Eye Floaters caused by stress??