need advice on my job...?i work at a vision center ..I constantly ask the manager for more hours and he keeps saying he doesnt have any.I know that one of my coworkers is suppose to be fulltime but she seems to be off atleast 1 time during the week so shell be cut to part time (which she says she doesnt care) I asked my manager again if she gets cuts whatll happen to me and can I have fulltime? the he wont put me at full time,me and my other coworker will be max partimers! the bad thing about this is if its slow I get the day off which leads to low checks so for the last 6 months I have come in when I was off and stayed late when he need me too. I feel like Im getting nowhere and being used,I tried to talk to my boss but he never listens I try to talk to hubby and he blows how I feel off. I do have a job lined up and can start whenever ...WHAT SHOULD i DO?
Posted by Pat
It looks like you've gone through all the steps to get your hours increased, and your boss has said "no" to full time for you. I think it's time to cut your losses and move on. It's good that you have a job lined up. Be professional and give your current employer 2 weeks notice--he may not want you to stay, but you have the satisfaction of doing the right thing. Believe me, it always benefits you not to burn your bridges! Good luck!
Posted by xooxcable
Sounds like your getting hosed! Take the new job.
Posted by Norman T
your a slave to stupidity. take that job and shove it
Posted by KATHY A
I think you need to move on. I doubt the job your at will improve in the near future. Its cheaper for an employer to have part timers due to insurance, vacations, etc. There are alot of jobs you can get doing what you are doing. Change is scary, but its the only way to move ahead sometimes. Get another job, give your current employer a 2 weeks notice - tell him you gotta have more hours.
Posted by Claudia M
You have to do what is best for you and your family. Remember it's just a job. If your stressing about hours, pay, bosses, maybe that job isn't worth it. Try something new. If you have another job lined up, what's holding you back? You should feel comfortable where you work, be somewhere where you are apperciated for all your hard work.
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