Pneumatic Retinopexy, retinal tear or detachment
A retinal detachment is a separation of the retina from its attachments to the underlying tissue within the eye. Most retinal detachments are a result of a retinal break, hole, or tear. These retinal breaks may occur as a result of trauma or when the vitreous gel pulls loose or separates from its attachment to the retina, usually in the peripheral parts of the retina. Once the retina has torn, liquid from the vitreous gel can then pass through the tear and accumulate behind the retina. The buildup of fluid behind the retina is what separates (detaches) the retina from the back of the eye. As more of the liquid vitreous collects behind the retina, the extent of the retinal detachment can progress and involve the entire retina, leading to a total retinal detachment. A retinal detachment almost always affects only one eye at a time. The second eye, however, must be checked thoroughly for any signs of predisposing factors that may lead to detachment in the future.
And They Lived Happily Ever After: MAYA our former Foster Kitten's adoption story
Happy Update: some of you might remember Maya the kitten that we fostered last Summer. Maya was rescued from the streets where she was being abused and neglected. Maya was struck in the head with an object so hard that is DETATCHED the RETINA in her right eye causing blindness. When we rescued her she was full of fleas, worms and starving. NOW THE HAPPY ENDING: Maya was adoped by a truely wonderful person who is giving her the best life! Maya is very much loved and doted on. She turned out to be a very SMART cat and also very lovable and sweet! She lives with a DOG and a male and female cat and gets along with all of the other animals. When we visited her we WONDERED and WORRIED THAT MAYA MIGHT NOT REMEMBER US. After all it was months ago that she was adopted, so would she remember us? YES we know that she recognized and remembered us and came running over to us. In fact Maya will come when called too! It was so terrific to see her again and to know that from a tragic beginning in life she now has a bright life ahead of her. The QUESTION everyone is asking: How is her eye? Maya will always be blind in her right eye. It is very much enlarged due to fluid behind the eye. It causes her NO pain at all and she goes to the Vet regularly. If it does cause trouble in the future the eye could be removed and closed shut but that probably will not have to happen. Our thanks to Maya's FOREVER MOM for adopting her and giving her all of the love and security a cat could ever hope for ...
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Orignal From: Pneumatic Retinopexy, retinal tear or detachment
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