What doctor should I go for pink eye/eye infection?My left eye is really red. I don't know if it is allergies or some kind of infection. I don't have a primary care for physician. What kind of doctor should I go to? An ophthalmologist? There is an urgent care clinic by my house that is open on Saturdays and takes my insurance should I go to them?
Posted by Curry
I would only go to an ophthalmologist. The "Doctor" in the Mall missed my retinal detachment and Im now blind partially in that eye.
Posted by eyegirl
Either an optometrist or ophthalmologist. A general physician won't have the same equipment and experience to properly diagnose and treat you.
Posted by Melrose
Since you do't have a primary doctor(which would have been good enough, if in the future this happens again and you do have a primary by that time), the clinic is fine enough. Most likely it is pink eye, since if it was allergies, it would be happening to both eyes. If it is pink eye, they will give you a prescription for something called Tobramycin Opthalmic Solution USP, usually by a company called Falcon Pharmaceuticals.
They are just eye droppes. Use as directed, and it will go away within 2 days.
Hope this helps! :)
Posted by Laughing Hyena
Go to an optometrist or an ophthalmologist.
ER docs don't deal w/ that every day and it's just gonna be a waste of your time.
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