what will happen when i go to court? real scared!?ok i live in lepanto arkansas,and last year this guy broke in my car and stole my cd player and speakers and stuff. i went to the cops but they did nothing. the guy has been in trouble lots of times before and the cops do nothing. and it pissed me off. so i broke in his house and stole some things from him to get back at him.. the cops had asked me some questions. and i told them yea it was me and i confessed to everything. and i gave everything back. and i explained why i did it and everything.i had to spend the night in jail and the next day i seen the judge and he let me go with my granmals super vision. and gave me a court date of this coming up monday. i am 19 years old and i have a 7 month old baby and im in college, a technical college. i have never been in any kind of trouble like this before, only small traffic tickets. i am scared to go to jail because i have my girl friend and my baby to take care of.. what do y'all think will happen to me? i have a lawyer that the court gave me. and im realy scared of jail.
Posted by Breezy S
if you dont have a record probation and a fine is likely
Posted by TG
We don't live in Babylon...our legal system does not allow for you to take justice into your own hands. Get a good lawyer and he will tell you what your options are and what to expect.
Honestly I'd be more worried about the guy you stole from. If he's making his living stealing shit out of cars he's probably not a very nice dude and he won't be happy you took his stuff.
Posted by stonekingsinc
not much- at most probation, maybe community service- no worries
Posted by Mellie
Since it's just your first offense. And he will probably see that you go to college and that you have never been in trouble. He is will probably give you probation with some community service hours to do.
Posted by Les Paul
You broke the law. If you explained the circumstances as they were, then I'm sure you'll probably only end up with max. a month in jail. It'll be over in a snap. You might even get off with community service. The bail for that amount of time in jail is also probably really small.
Orignal From: what will happen when i go to court? real scared!?
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