Eye contact I suffer from double vision and would like to find a solid black contact, where can I find one?I suffer from double vision and would like to find a solid black contact, where can I find one?

Posted by kasumicat
You would need to have one prescribed to you. I suggest seeing an ophthalmologist about this. He/She may able to treat the double vision.

Posted by David E
Both CIBA and Cooper Vision make colored lenses with black pupils. Cost to the doctor is around $ 200. You would need to be fit in these lenses. I know I don't keep trials around for them so you would probably need to see someone who does specialty contact lens fitting. If you have exhausted your other options to deal with your double vision, it could be an option that is less noticeable than a patch.

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Orignal From: Eye contact I suffer from double vision and would like to find a solid black contact, where can I find one?