Passing out/fainting from iron deficiency anemia?I am 26 weeks pregnant and found out that I have anemia (from iron deficiency). I have uterus didelphys which means I have two uterus' and menstruate twice as much as a normal woman (losing more blood, iron, etc). I have had a problem since I started having periods with fainting/passing out. I do not loose consciousness. It starts with feeling really hot and I turn pale then my hearing starts to fade out, then my vision goes and after that my whole body collapses. My hearing does not completely go away, I can hear faintly like I am under water/need to pop my ears/etc. My eye sight completely goes away, total darkness. I am aware of what is going on but have no strength and it feels like my entire body just gave up except my mind. After a few minutes, I am perfectly fine. This happens while I am on my period, while I am not on my period and has happened while I was pregnant (earlier in the pregnancy). It only occurs maybe 6 times a year, if that. Anyways, could this be because of anemia or something worse? Has this happened to anyone else? I still get very, very tired at points during the day and seem to be sleeping way more than I should be but I am sooo tired. I know most of it is probably pregnancy but I usually don't even have enough strength to take care of my pets, myself, etc. I do go to work but only three days a week and for 5 hours each day. This wears me out and I tend to sleep for the rest of the day and night after work (I babysit). Any advice would be greatly appreciated. What kind of doctor could I talk to this about?
Posted by MÄTRÍX
You can go to a walk-in clinic near you and try to arrange for seeing an Obstetrician.
Good Health!
Orignal From: Vision Care: Passing out/fainting from iron deficiency anemia?
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