Digital camera pics and eyes looking funny?Whenever I get my picture taken w/ a digital camera, one of my eyes always looks like it's half closed...this never happens to anyone else I know and no one can tell me why it happens!

Who can figure this out? I have a wedding next year and don't want to look silly in the pics!!
This never happens with disposable cameras, only digital cameras. And I'm not one of those people who tend to blink when they get their picture taken.

Posted by Mere_Mortal
Some digitals will illuminate your face to help the focus mechanism function more accurately.

I have seen this before. Your eye is reacting to a light that can be very bright on some cameras. (The focus light on a D50 is bright white.)

Posted by suga498
start posin wid a camera alone.. you will figure a way out..

Posted by Eric B
Another thing that is a problem with digitals is that they pre-flash to get proper exposure. Just try to ignore the pre-flashes and AF-assist light.

Posted by neomation2001
Maybe try to squint a little, tighten your cheeks up if you know what I mean. Above all, relax at all times. Smile and congratulations

Posted by Jeff J
Find someone who knows how to operate a camera with manual focus then they won't blind you with the pre flash focusing light.

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Orignal From: Digital camera pics and eyes looking funny?