What are the credentials for those who work in the Walmart vision center?I am a pre-optometry student in my second year and would like to try and get some work in the field I will be entering. It can determine my interest levels and allow for some work experience to get into Optometry school. I see the workers in Walmart vision center but what exactly are they? Do they have some kind of degree? Or are they just hired workers? Credentials? Not the Optometrists, but the vision care workers. Or at lens crafters.
Posted by Bill M
Some are opticians, some are just sales people.
Posted by Jac
Mostly there are no educational requirements for these workers in most states. In some states they are licensed.
An optician that works with a doctor usually works under his license.
There is national board that gives tests that most states count as qualification for licensure.
Contact the NBO.
It wouldn't hurt to do some dispensing yourself.
It won't help you get into Optometry school.
Why don't you become an MD?
Posted by Ashley
I don't get it...
Posted by Emily
I don't get it...
Posted by Amber
The Vision Center workers at Walmart are just hired workers. They do not have any credentials. They, of course, do have training to work in the Vision Center, but some are simply moved from being a cashier or customer service associate.
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