What is pink eye and how do you get rid of it?What are the symptoms? And is it contagious? One of my eyes is red and hurts. I'm not sure if it is allergies but someone said it was "pink eye"?

Posted by karla
it is contagious and very painful. if you think you have it, GO TO THE DOCTOR to get a prescription. pink eye sucks!

Posted by Just_gone

Posted by dan l
it is conjunctivitis.... its nothing major, but you could just go to a physician and get a script for a solution that will take it away within 2 days.

Posted by telluwat
- Pink eye / conjunctivitis is a general term referring to an irritation or infection of the membrane which covers the eye and the inside of the eyelid (conjunctiva).
- Pink eye / conjunctivitis is quite common and involves all age groups.
- Problems with the eye can be serious, so inspection by a doctor is necessary for a correct diagnosis.
- Pink eye / conjunctivitis typically starts in one eye and may spread to the other.
- Certain types of pink eye (Infectious conjunctivitis) are very contagious and steps must be made to avoid it's spread.
- Infectious conjunctivitis is usually caused by bacteria or viruses. Fungi, parasites, and chlamydia may also be a cause of infectious conjunctivitis.
- Noninfectious conjunctivitis is usually caused by allergies or mechanical irritants.

- Redness in the whites of the eye or red, swollen and irritated eyelids.
- Sandy and scratchy feeling in the eyes with possible light sensitivity.
- Tearing and/or mucus discharge from the eye or eyes.

A physician should be notified:
- if there is pain in the eye, rather than irritation or if the patient feels there is a foreign object in the eye.
- if a greenish-yellow discharge is present and does not begin to improve within 24 hours.
- if an abnormal difference between the sizes of the pupils is present or if the skin around the eye or eyelid is red.
- if the problem continues for more than three days or seems to get progressively worse.

Posted by Tammy
pink eye is another term for congunctivitis, and yes it is very very contageous you need to get some eye drops to take care of it.

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