Why do my parents care about me the least?So i'm 14 and i have a 17 year old sister and a 12 year old brother. My little brother lies all the time about me and my mom starts screaming at me. She has never even once not believed him and now shes so used to thinking i do everything any time something happens (like a stain on the floor or the electric bill too high) she just slams open my door and starts yelling at me for it. My sister always gets so much she wants and my mom always gives her more. she's doing dance for like hundreds a month (plus all the stuff my mom buys her for them), shes going to a cosmotology school for like hundreds a year and complains about how i get more. let me tell you something, my mom says she doesnt have the money to pay for me to do anything (dirtbike, basketball, etc) hmm well with all the money she "borrows" from me how is that possible? she sure isn't using that money on the bills my dad is (and by the way i only have money because i save it from birthday cards i manage to get before my mom takes the money out and then gives to me). and my dad's taking my sister all the way across the country on a vacation and my mom is paying for her to go to las vegas with her for her dance. I'm sorry these are all kind of mixed up. anyways my moms been taking money from me my whole life and i think thats all she really wants me for she makes enough to pay for everything especially with everything my dads paying. they're divorced by the way. If i feel sick they say "oh your fine." guess whats weird about that i've needed 3 surgeries for a cyst on my spleen. my latest was in march and it was open cut. and now it hurts a little constantly and randomly hurts a lot and i cant take advil because that hurts it for whatever reason. and ive had this weird vision problem of how this kind of bright black light thing is all i see, i'm dizzy, my head hurts really bad, and its completely random. and i get migranes where i have to sit in my room so i dont see any light but sound? no my brother screams at his games 24/7 and it torments me. and the vision problems been happening for 8 months and i finally went to the doctor and he was concerned a lot. my moms tryin to tell him "oh, well he didnt tell me until last week" bull****! anyways if my brother or sister feels sick shes all giving her attention to them. i've been having suicidal thoughts for over two years and i always feel like im just worthless and have no reason to live. i figure whats the point of living with this kind of life. i haven't told my parents because nothing would make my mom happier than to get rid of me and send me to a mental asylum. im still really afraid to kill myself too though. again sorry for how mixed up it is. does anyone else feel like this? i would ask how to get emancipated but i would never be able to pay for myself unless i could find a place that hires at 14. Im happy whenever im with friends or something but whenever im alone or with them i feel like i should just go and kill myself and how absolutely worthless i am. do you know a way to make me stop feeling like this WITHOUT anything having to do with my parents? because almost everything needs their consent or attention which they wouldn't give.
Posted by Ali
Okay, don't kill yourself, you have 4 more years left until you can move out and never see them again so hang in there. Next your brother issue, get a video camera (s) and set them up in the rooms of your house where your brother claims you do the bad stuff, can't do anything about your sister really, and your mom, okay tell her what you told us just leave out the suicide, curses, and other bad stuff, but nicely, next sit her down and tell her what you feel like this: (fill in the blanks and Ill give you examples)
I feel this....(neglected, unwanted, unimportant etc.)
When you do this......(yell at me for what ur other son claims i did, don't believe me when i tell you i feel sick etc)
Because I sometimes think and feel...(like im not wanted in this family and that you don't love me etc.)
Also last part, sry no other way that will help you in the long run
Orignal From: Why do my parents care about me the least?
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