How do I find employment with Red Cross or World Vision?So I'm graduating as an MA (Medical Assistant) in May and I'm planning on working for a clinic but my overall goal is to work overseas in remote villages as a nurse. I have been looking around online at various sites but I can't seem to find a certain site where I can find work. I was thinking of working with either Red Cross or World Vision as a starter but I really don't know where to start. Does anyone have any ideas where I can start?
Posted by Jody
Why would an MA want to step down to a nursing position - you don't make sense.
Red Cross and World Vision are not in the business of hiring MA's or any medical personnel or putting them to work.
Apply at hospitals, clinics and doctor's offices in the town (or district) you want to work at.
You could also ask for overseas medical services offices and placement at the Salvation Army, local Job Services Office, local college.
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