What are your frustrations with the Obama Administration & Bush Administration that inspire Protest Now?A Few Of Mine, Someone who voted for Obama, and feel deeply betrayed, lied to, and screwed over:

Obama making such a big deal about the Patriot act, then keeping it, and making it more invasive to US citizens than it was by dropping any penalties or over sight on taping phone lines within the Continental US. It is still illegal, but there can be no legal reprisal against those who do it, which as good as makes it legal.

The Draft Proposed by the Obama administration cabinet.

Forced Child "Volunteerism"

Obama's proposed armed "civilian force" answerable only to Obama which would be a military force used in the public to "keep order"

The Obama Administration scraping a great effective voucher program in DC that saved $ 5000 per child and gave them access to a far superior education and much safer and less hostile environment, in order to pander to the stinking teachers unions who don't care about the kids education, only their own selfish counter productive wants. That PISSES ME OFF!

Obama's constant mischaracterization of facts as in his claiming Bush and McCain didn't believe in Global Warming Science, when both did. Why lie if you have an honest agenda? That is just the tip of the ice burg. His refusal to admit to Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac's contribution to the current credit crisis, after taking so much money from them, and using Reins and Gorelick, their CEOs as advisors, and never calling for prosecutions over those CEO's frauds in which they were paid 90 and 25 million respectively in bonuses as they played a lead roll along with Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Cathleen Waters, Chuck Schumer, Hairy Reid, and others in destroying our economy, then he trumps up hatred over AIG executives over bonuses his own administration approved and makes those peoples lives hell and puts their families in threat, or at least goes along with it, for purely political purposes.

The use of our money to pay off Hamas to the tune of nearly a billion $ $ , who also gave to Obama, which is illegal as were many of his campaign contributions from foreign entities and gross over payment in non reportable increments by traitors who hate the US like the criminal George Soros, which were never questioned legally and should have been.

The use of the bail out money to pay off Obama's supporters in groups like ACORN, and his funneling money to Union only companies for projects which will do NOTHING to help our economy.

Obama's Choices of Lobbyists to his cabinet which directly contradicts his own rule about hiring no lobbyists.

Obama's toleration of corrupt tax cheats to head up the IRS and run our nations banking system.

Obama's lying about his vision of gun control, and using some bogus argument that Mexico gets all it's guns from the US illegally over the border, which isn't true, to attempt to push weapons bans. AND I know this is not the end of it. If he gets that they will push for more bans. I am a democrat, or was, but I never supported gun control in violation of the Constitution. We need to follow our Constitution.

Obama calling our country arrogant in front of other nations who have displayed much more arrogance than we ever have? Come on! He is selling us out. His arguments with the former administration should stay HERE, not be brought up in front of international forums like that even going so far as to lie about Bush's stance on Global Warming.

He said he would get a dog from a shelter, made a big thing about it, then in the end they get a very expensive intensely pedigreed snob dog which was never in need of saving, while leaving all those other pooches out there in shelters, WITH NO HOPE.

Obama is crazy, off the reservation, willing to spend our children and grand children into debt, to pay off those who supported him, many times in illegal ways as in Hamas and Acorn. He is a cult favorite and the press covers for him and keeps honest scrutiny of his actions and his past association and who he is which leads to these actions, hushed up. Things which should alarm any thinking US citizen. There is so much more ... so add your own to the list.

It's not just Obama, it was much Bush Administration did and allowed the congress to get away with too. We have been sold out. Even the republicans were angry with the republicans, why do you think so many republican congressmen and governors got tossed out on their butt's?

Add to my list of reasons to join tea party protests.
Get serious Kool-Aid Hater Police, lol. Why do you think republicans lost so badly? Because republicans agreed with Obama? Because the republicans felt betrayed. Now I feel betrayed by Obama, and I voted for him. I WAS a democrat. Wake up, if you have NOTHING to protest, like the Patriot Act being kept and made more hostile against the people in the US, then you are nothing but a mushroom, but I think you are just on the Kool-Aid and will wake up eventually unless you are totally oblivious.
FOX covered these protests, other networks who would cover 3 guys and a dog protesting Bush, would not cover it, and when it got so huge they couldn't ignore it they went out to defame people protesting for some very real idiotic developments going on. Those who would just stand by while all this is going on would have made great rank and file Nazi's who just sat back and cheered while their crap went on, because the Nazi movement was so popular, especially with the young. Wake Up

Posted by Hater Police
Lady, GET A BLOG. Post your lies there.

I don't have any reason to protest the current administration. And, the teabagging wasn't about Bush. The Right are angry that they lost. The GOP is floundering. Suddenly FOX thinks such protests are such a great idea they spent weeks promoting them on ALL of their shows.

Funny, they didn't do that for the Libertarians, did they?

EDIT: Obama didn't win because of the GOP - Dems and independents put Obama in the White House. While I'm sure he got SOME support from the Right...I doubt it was a significant amount.

ALL the networks covered the protests. Why do the Right keep claiming otherwise? The Right are really invested in being victims.

Posted by drug_free_boy
High tea prices? coz, I love tea.. :)

Posted by vivi
Excellent coverage. If you do create a blog, I'm there!

As an Independent, I am disheartened that there aren't more obama voters paying attention to what is happening. That DHS assessment was just plain messed up!

Posted by Don't Tread
The reasons are too many to keep track of.

Never mind those partisan idiots. They can only think about two things. Bush and republicans. Any thing but coronation of the government now that those two are out is sacrilege to them.

Nice to meet a true thinking person on here once in a while. Stay strong.

Posted by Yogi
Rick Santelli, a democrat on CNBC started all this tea party stuff on the floor of the NY stock exchange, among a group that is predominantly democrats. If you know the NY stock exchange you know what I say is true.

Cramer on CNBC, host of Mad Money, is a long time democrat and has been a strong Obama supporter was distressed by the "largest destruction of wealth by far ever in this country" by the Obama administration was CRUSHED in the leftist media and entertainment industry for daring to have a disagreement with the Obama administration. Now he is reined in, his free speech stomped out, and giving glowing reviews of the Obama administration, which he obviously doesn't really believe, and getting praised on air by those who stomped on him. It reminds me of the main character in Orwell's book, 1984 who was captured for disagreement with the government, "reeducated" and returned after having learned his lesson and was content to love his oppressors and drink a lot of cheap booze ... before they shot him in the back of the head for what he had done before.

The Obama administrations oppression of the press who gave any honest account of his actions is alarming. We can call the Bush administration what we will, but they never attempted to control the press and free expression of honest opinion, even uneven disingenuous opinion many times.

The willingness of the Obama administration to push into our lives in very invasive ways. Destroy the future of our children. Sell out children in DC in a great program as you mentioned, that was providing a much better, much safer environment to children and a much better education, was crushed in favor of the teachers union, who could care less about the kids. That is heart breaking, even though I never liked Obama. I thought more of him than that kind of betrayal of kids. The man is self serving to the point of being truely evil. How else could you explain his betrayal of those kids in such a terrible way for such ugly self serving reasons?

One of the big things for me was the Obama administrations attempts to force military members to pay their own bills for injuries they received in battle. He was focused on saving money to look good politically, and didn't even think about the impact or the unfairness of that policy on the individual military members. The head of the VFW reported that Obama just wouldn't talk about the human side of that issue and only focused on saving the money (this while planning to send nearly 1 billion $ to Hamas, which he did). It was not until the outrage over this threatened his popularity that he pulled back from implimenting that policy. I mean, what a scum bag he is!

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Orignal From: What are your frustrations with the Obama Administration & Bush Administration that inspire Protest Now?