Is Pelosi's Call for Self-Sacrifice Likely to Work?It's a clever tactical ploy.

Stop denying that Obamacare is a march over a cliff, and assert that fact instead, but present it as a virtue.

This is your chance to lay down your career for the common good.

This is your moment to step up and be a patriot.

Your only regret should be (like Patrick Henry) that you only have one political career to give for your country.

A lot of politicians are GAGA-Minded Idealists. The idea of personal sacrifice for the common good is actually quite attractive and appealing to them.

Ask not what your country can do for you -- ask what you can do for your country -- remember Camelot, remember Jack and Bobby -- well the libs do. Their brains are attuned to messages on that frequency.

I can recognize genius when it comes along. If she really did say -- take one for the country -- lay down your career -- do it now -- that's very very smart and not at all dumb when the actual position she is in is fully considered.

Were I her advisor, who talked her into that ploy, I would give myself Kudos for Great Judo in the realm of Values/Motivational Metaphysics.

I encourage all conservatives to attend with care to my remarks as they are not intended to harm GOP interests but only to see what's so in a Realpolitik way, which I learned from Dick Morris and Henry Kissinger.

Disenthrall yourselves from ideology and pulling like a dog on your end of the stick.

Look at the whole board, like in chess.

Dig into what you know about the psychology of man and of liberals in particular, and you will see that my point is correct. Nancy didn't get where she is by not being dangerous to her opponents. Scoffing at her tactical ploy here is highly unwise.

Know your enemies. Think as they think -- not as you think. Political Aikido requires vision -- to see into the mind of the foe -- and to know what's likely to happen.

The only antidote here is to show conclusively that Obamacare would not be in the true interests of the American people. If the libs can be convinced of that, they won't lay down their political careers for it. If they can't be convinced, they might -- they might -- be warned.

Bobby Kennedy told me and Jack was there to back him up.

Posted by Brian
It very well could..

Posted by Simply Ώ
Self sacrifice would be if Nancy Pelosi gave up her health care plan for the same one she is trying to sell to the public, but it will never happen. Will it work? not sure, they will push hard but the elections are looming and people are unhappy about our current debt even before this massive program.

Posted by Proud Texan
Yes, the American people are tired of tap dancing around the issue it's time to pass Health Care Reform now.

Posted by barry
i don't think so. those who vote for it will be getting alot of people really really mad

Posted by Sugar
It could...there is always HOPE.

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