Is this evidence that certain ages WILL get preferential/better care than others under Obama's health reform?This is DIRECTLY from the Senate health reform proposal. Sorry it's so long but I don't want to be accused of taking something out of context.
10 ''(1) IN GENERAL.—The report of the Council
11 described in subsection (d) shall contain rec
12 ommendations on at least the following:
13 ''(A) Subject to paragraph (2), the essen
14 tial health care benefits eligible for credits
15 under section 3111, where such benefits shall
16 include at least the following general categories:
17 ''(i) Ambulatory patient services.
18 ''(ii) Emergency services.
19 ''(iii) Hospitalization.
20 ''(iv) Maternity and newborn care.
21 ''(v) Mental health and substance
22 abuse services.
23 ''(vi) Prescription drugs.
24 ''(vii) Rehabilitative, habilitative, and
25 laboratory services.
''(viii) Preventive and wellness serv
2 ices.
3 ''(ix) Pediatric services, including oral
4 and vision care as determined appropriate
5 by the Council.
6 ''(B) The criteria that coverage must meet
7 to be considered minimum qualifying coverage.
8 ''(C) The conditions under which coverage
9 shall be considered affordable and available cov
10 erage for individuals and families at different
11 income levels.
17 considering the matter described in subsection
18 (h)(2), the Council—
''(B) may provide for the application of
17 different criteria with respect to young adults."
Please tell me what that last part means to you.
Pages 69, 70, 71.
KO The Cons: Care to explain what it actually means, then? Because it only seems to say one thing to me.
Caldude: This isn't ABOUT swine flu. It is regarding health care on the whole. Did you even read it?
Kiran: You idiot. I have read it from BEGINNING TO END. And the Council working with the Secretary to create financial reports and recommendations is their ONLY purpose. This is the SAME council you tried to tell me last time were "doctors," then "medical experts."
And let us labor under the premise that what you are saying is true: So the recommendations they'd give to Congress would be signed into law - recommendations that could include "special criteria" for young adults. These would then be signed into law by Congress. How do laws regarding treatment and benefits NOT affect the way your doctor treats you?
Either way, you are woefully mistaken. Sorry.
Future: I couldn't fit them all. They were regarding diseases. etc. "Normal" things you'd expect to see. If you'd read the proposal, you'd know what they were. I've given you page numbers and everything you need over and over. I told you before and I'm telling you now: You're a joke, dude. You have no credibility and everybody here knows it.
Posted by You are still dry shaving me?
Yes, taxpayers.
Posted by KO the Con's
No, not in the slightest.
Posted by Seldon Surak II
young adults can still be covered under parents plan as long as they are in school
young adults who join the military will obviously be cared for by the military
Posted by MeloR
Is short those who are in their most productive years will get the best/quickest treatment, everyone else stand in line.
Posted by paul s
He said it wouldn't.
Orignal From: Is this evidence that certain ages WILL get preferential/better care than others under Obama's health reform?
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