Political survey: Role of govt?

Posted by Simon | 6:01:00 AM

Political survey: Role of govt?This is for my Intro to Statistics class. No Im not cheating, he suggested we post it online. Please answer completely. Thank you for your participation.

Goal: Find out what people think the role of government is.

(Answer which best describes your position)

1.How do you normally vote? Democrat Republican Libertarian Independent Other

2.What is your age? 18-25 26-35 36-50 Over 50

3.What is your race? White Black Hispanic Asian Other

4.Location? Country? State?

5.What is your religion? Christian, Islam, Judaism, Eastern, Atheism, Other (if other state)

6. Social security?
a. It should be expanded (tax more, more benefits)
b. It shouldn't change
c. It should be privatized
d. It shouldn't exist

7. Healthcare?
a. Universal healthcare (mandatory for all, funded by all)
b. Health coverage for the middle class and below
c. Targeted health coverage, (like Medicare) (to select groups like children, disabled, seniors, etc)
d. No health coverage

8. Security?
a. We need more spending on defense and remain the world's super power
b. It's fine the way it is
c. We need to cut spending on defense, it's not necessary to remain the strongest
d. The government shouldn't have a standing army

9. Liberty?
a. The answer to social problems are ultimately found in the government
b. The government has better ideas how our lives ought to be than the average citizen
c. The government's current level of involvement is sufficient/enough
d. The Government intrudes too much in our lives

10. Tax system?
a. I am willing to be taxed more to provide more for others
b. We shouldn't be taxed anymore than we are today
c. We are taxed too many ways, too many laws, too many lawyers
d. We are taxed too much in general AND too many ways

11. Religion?
a. The government ought to establish religion
b. Religious beliefs/convictions cannot be banned from government property or law
c. The government ought to maintain neutrality
d. The government should not be religious in any way

12. The government should be responsible for providing my………… (Check applicable)

___ Cash retirement benefit (social security)

___ Housing

___ College education

___ Healthcare

___ Dental care

___ Vision care

___ Day Care

___ Transportation

___ Food allowance

13. Patriotism?
a. America is great, our freedoms and capitalism set us apart, I'm proud of my country
b.America is good, it could be great if we fix certain problems
c.America is ok, but flawed, and are part of a global community
d.America is an oppressor and great evil in the world

14. I consider myself………

15. What is the role of government? (choose only one)
a.To protect our freedoms and security
b.To provide for our lives

16. On a scale of 1-10, how much should the government be involved in our lives? ___
Please answer completely or I cant include in the results Thanks again.

Posted by Capitalist and proud of it
I'm not taking your dumb survey. But I will say that the role of government should be exactly what the Constitution says it should be. And that's limited. The Constitution reserves most powers to the people and the states.

Posted by Matthew H.
The role of government is simply to service the people. That's it. Give us protection and organization, and don't you fucking dare tell me what I can and can't do.

Posted by Lawton - Conservative Republican
1. Would be Republican.
2. 15
3. White
4. Texas
5. Christian (Roman Catholic)
6. It shouldn't change.
7. If I had to choose one, targeted health care. Gov't really shouldn't have such a big role in this one.
8. Somewhere in the middle of this one... I guess if I *had* to choose one I'd say more spending.
9. The gov't intrudes too much in our lives.
10. We shouldn't be taxed any more than we are today.
11. Religious beliefs cannot be banned from government property or law.
12. Only social security.
13. America is good, it could be great if we fix certain problems.
14. I consider myself Conservative.
15. To protect our freedoms and security... Nothing more than this.
16. Probably a 2... Not quite a 3 so I'm leaving it at 2.

Posted by travis_a_duncan
1. Spreads across the spectrum
2. 26-35
3. Caucasian
4. Ohio
5. Christian
6. d
7. c
8. b
9. d
10. c
11. c
12. none
13. b
14. b
15. a
16. 3

Posted by Brain
1 Independent
2 32
3 White
4 Arizona
5 Christian
6 D
7 D
8 A
9 D
10 D
11 C
12 None of the above
13 A
14 B
15 A
16 1

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Orignal From: Political survey: Role of govt?