My boyfriend always says negative things about my mother, and as of late it bugs me!?My mother has always been a stay at home mom. She raised 5 kids (I'm the baby of the family ... I'm now 20). So people will often say crap about my mom never doing anything in her life, but she raised all 5 of us!!! We never went into some crappy daycare for 8 hours a day like most kids do. She took care of us when we were sick, helped us with our homework, washed all our clothes, cleaned up after us, got us ready for school early in the morning, read a book to me every night before I went to bed, etc.

And my has always been the worker, bringing in the money. So while he took care of us financially, my mother took care of us with all our other needs. And for some reason people feel the job of a mother, raising 5 kids, is considered lazy.

Now, I know I'm way past needing her to raise me. So people ask "What does your mother do?" and I'll tell them not much because she has chronic Lyme Disease now. She has had it for nearly 3 years now. She suffers with brain fog, blurry vision, chronic pain, chronic arthritis, etc. And while she is being treated with long term antibiotics, people look at her and think "Well, you look great!"

Sure she looks great, but that doesn't mean she feels great.

So my boyfriend will sometimes say negative things such as "She doesn't do anything" and even though I explain she has Lyme Disease, he doesn't seem to get it!!! And it pisses me off!!! He acts as if she is lazy and she's freaking not lazy!!! She has said many times that she wishes she could just drive without relying on other people to drive her (again, her blurry vision and brain fog greatly affect her driving, so often she'll stay off the road.)

How can I get it through his head that this disease is serious and therefore my mother is NOT lazy, she is just unable to do the things she used to be able to do?
2nd paragraph should say "And my FATHER"

Posted by life coach
Listen, the first negative thing that came out of his mouth ,you should have stopped it cold. Never tolerate anyone talking trash about your Mother. Next time, just say my Dad is a good provider and she runs the household. If it works for them I don't see how it could concern you. And end all discussion.

Posted by claudiam84
You shouldn't have to defend your mother. She deserves respect. Our society is so distorted today that being a stay at home Mom is looked at as such a negative thing, when that is exactly what a Mother should be trying to do. Being a Mother, taking care of the house, cooking, taking care of your husband is a full time job. Your Mother to me seems like the ideal woman and if your boyfriend doesn't understand that than he is not worth having around, trust me. I sadly am not a stay at home mom and I wish I could turn back the hand of time and do thing differently so that someone else didnt have to raise my child while I work for coroporate America. My eyes were opened recently and stay at home mom deserve all the praise and respect. I hope this helped.

Posted by Marina
Your boyfriend sounds like a d*ck. And your mothers sounds like a strong woman who excelled at her job (being a mother!).

I used to be a nanny, running after even one or two kids can be exhausting..

And Lyme disease is a seriously debilitating condition. Explain to him that you will NOT stand for him putting your mother down.. tell him if he loves and respects you, he WILL stop. It's true.

Not only is he disrespecting your mom but he is disrespecting you by putting down someone that is very important to you.

One of my ex's would always take sh*t about my best friend, and that was enough for me to eventually dump him after numerous warnings.

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