Why do Obama supporters feel like his plan is what our nation needs?The Obama-Biden plan for health care will put the federal government increasingly in control of decisions previously made by private businesses. The plan also seeks government funding for health care costs previously paid for by private businesses and corporations, essentially making all American taxpayers financially responsible for health care costs, regardless of whether or not they wish to contribute financially to the health care needs of others. Some details include:
* Requiring "insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions so all Americans regardless of their health status or history can get comprehensive benefits at fair and stable premiums." Insurers may not cover pre-existing conditions now in order to protect themselves and their clients from rising costs associated with those conditions that could rapidly make premiums even much more expensive than they are. Requiring coverage of pre-existing conditions not only interferes with the natural right of private individuals and businesses to freely enter into contracts but also will lead to increased — not decreased — costs.
* "Covering a portion of the catastrophic health costs [businesses] pay in return for lower premiums for employees." However commendable this may seem, it nevertheless is a forced redistribution of wealth. It is unavoidable that this will be an expensive federal program, that, like every other federal program, will expand over time. As such it will be funded by taxpayers, who will see the federal hand taking money from their wallets to give to others, in this case as subsidies to businesses to offset health care costs.
Total federal outlays for the Obama-Biden health care plan: $ 50-$ 65 billion according to the website. The costs will be covered, you guessed it, by increasing taxes on the wealthy.
As this brief analysis indicates, the Obama-Biden plan as described in documents and pages on the campaign website amount to, essentially, a modern socialist encyclopedia.
There is no doubt that Barack Obama is a tremendously talented speaker, and perhaps an inspiring leader. That does not mean that his policies are in keeping with the vision of limited government given form by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution.
Rather, like most of those who have either sought the Presidency or actually occupied the White House, from either of the two major parties — and this includes John McCain as well — he seeks a radically expanded role for the federal leviathan in Washington.
Village Atheist - I haven't lived in Sweden since 2005.
Posted by mike
Because most of his supporters will reap the benefits from the "Spreading the Wealth".
Posted by Solomon
Because the great one told them so
You could find this interesting, do a search on - Obama Ray Mabus then after you see who Maybus is do a search on Nostradamus Mabus
Posted by The Village Atheist
Our Nation?
You live in Sweden, is BO running for President of Sweden?
Posted by somgu21
I'd rather have my healthcare in the hands of the gov instead of private corporations. I can vote for my representatives. I can't vote for the CEO of an insurance company.
Posted by Sheila-B
Republicans, can't you see that,we have deficit under Republican, but surplus under Democrat.
Not only that all jobs shipped to China, they also get tax cut. Worst, Bush owed more money from China to support war in Iraq.
Bush did three things to skyrocket the debt from $ 5.7 trillion to $ 10 trillion:
1. He lowered taxes on the rich (by far the biggest item).
2. He invaded Iraq instead of winning in Afghan-Pakistan (another $ 600 B).
3. He loosened controls on Wall Street.
The Outstanding Public Debt as of 01 Nov 2008 at 07:25:53 PM GMT is: $ 10,538,137,985.92
The estimated population of the United States is 305,015,921
so each citizen's share of this debt is $ 34,549.47.
The National Debt has continued to increase an average of
$ 3.83 billion per day since September 28, 2007!
Concerned? Then tell Congress and the White House!
Its about time the rich greedy people care about people like us who live from paycheck to paycheck. We are the people who do all the hardwork! we are the backbones in your company. Without people like us, all you, the CEOs are nothing. Don't you think you should share the company's profit to all your workers? Vote for Obama!
Orignal From: Vision Care: Why do Obama supporters feel like his plan is what our nation needs?
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