What are some tips you can give me for taking care of my 2020 vision and my eyeball health overall?

Posted by cap d ®
There is increasing evidence of the role of antioxidants in the prevention of eye disease, so it is sensible to eat a balanced diet high in fruit and vegetables.
We should remember to wear appropriate protective eyewear whenever we are doing something potentially damaging to the eyes, such as using power tools. It is very common for someone to say "I was just doing something for one minute, I didn't think I needed to wear my safety glasses", and end up with an eye injury. Ocky straps in particular are very dangerous and should be avoided. We need to be careful to avoid chemical splashes to the eyes, especially alkali chemicals such as in cleaning solutions and lime, as these can lead to serious burns.
We should avoid excessive exposure to ultraviolet light by wearing a hat and sunglasses.
Excessive UV light can lead to pterygium (an abnormal growth of the skin of the eye, the conjunctiva, early onset of cataract and other eye problems.

Posted by Pearl L
get regular eye checkups

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